bring yr camera, yr zoom lens
the ones that you stole from school
call it a draw, call it interest
pleased to meet you, such fast friends
round the fountain, the pavement
call it a small talk, call it meaningless
yr darkroom is the darkness of yr life
and you know well no one else can make it right
depth of field and the depth you feel at the core
and everyone you meet seems a painful bore
composition and balance
still you can’t compose yourself
let yr art talk! ain’t that what it’s for?
watch them try to make you care, but you won’t care
warning bells, security, don’t mean nothing don’t they?
if they don’t love you, you can’t make them love you
so what’s the point? was it all a waste of time?
bring yr camera, yr zoom lens
the ones that you stole from school
let yr heart talk! ain’t that what it’s for?