I’ll swing by your house on a sunny afternoon

walking in a swoon / sitting by your tree

wonder if you see / what’s it gonna be?

is it him or me? / is it him or me?

I would say that I want to / I would say that I do

I would say that I miss you / but I know you don’t care

you don’t care / you said you’d be there

do you think it’s fair? / I kept my part of the deal

you were insincere / how’d you think I feel?

gone from reel to reel / gone from reel to reel

I would say that I knew it / I would say that I knew

I would say that I miss it / but I know you don’t care

like the night at the park / we spent the night in the dark

holding hands on the swings

I’ll swing by your house on a sunny afternoon

walking in a swoon / sitting by your tree

wonder if you see / what’s it gonna be?

is it him or me? / is it him or me?